Type 2 diabetes: diet and treatment, nutrition and disease symptoms

Unfortunately, a disease like type 2 diabetes affects more and more people every year. In terms of mortality, it ranks second, second only to oncology. The danger of such a disease is not only a constantly elevated glucose level, but also the disruption of almost all body functions.

"Sweet" disease is not treated, you can only reduce the risk of complications and avoid the insulin-dependent type of diabetes. To normalize sugar levels, endocrinologists mainly prescribe a low-carb diet and regular exercise therapy. It turns out that diet and nutritional treatment is the main and primary therapy for type 2 diabetes.

If it is not possible to achieve the desired results with the help of diet therapy, hypoglycemic drugs should be started. It is also necessary to monitor the blood test with a glucometer at home.

Causes and symptoms

junk food for type 2 diabetes

Diabetes mellitus refers to diseases of the endocrine system, when the blood sugar level is constantly elevated. This is due to a decrease in the sensitivity of cells as well as tissues to the hormone insulin produced by the pancreas.

It is significant that the body produces this hormone in sufficient quantity, but the cells do not react with it. This condition is called insulin resistance.

There is no one specific cause of type 2 diabetes, but doctors have identified risk factors, one of which is age 40. It is at this age that DM is often diagnosed. But this does not mean that the disease has developed dramatically. Most likely, the patient simply ignored the symptoms of prediabetes for many years, thus exhausting the body.

Signs of SD:

  • thirst;
  • dry mouth;
  • slow healing of wounds and abrasions;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • ability to quickly fatigue;
  • drowsiness.

If at least one of the symptoms appears, it is recommended to visit an endocrinologist for an analysis to rule out or confirm the presence of the disease. The diagnosis is quite simple - venous and capillary blood supply. If you know the symptoms and the treatment will be effective.

Diabetes is more common in the following categories of people:

  1. age over 40 years;
  2. overweight by abdominal type;
  3. insufficient nutrition, when the diet is dominated by light carbohydrates (sweets, flour products);
  4. a sedentary lifestyle without adequate physical activity;
  5. high blood pressure;
  6. presence of diabetes in close relatives.

When treating a "sweet" disease, a diet aimed at reducing blood glucose levels must be strictly followed.

diet therapy

The doctor recommends the fruit for type 2 diabetics

>A properly designed therapeutic diet together with moderate physical activity will become the main means of diabetes treatment. One of the main rules is not to starve and not to overeat. The number of meals is six times a day. Last dinner at least a few hours before going to bed.

Type 2 diabetes Diet and nutritional therapy stabilize blood sugar levels. Up to half of the daily diet should be vegetables. Also, the daily menu should include cereals, fruits, meat or fish and dairy products.

The diabetic body suffers from a lack of vitamins and minerals. This is due to the failure of metabolic processes not only of the endocrine system. That is why it is so important to follow a balanced diet.

The main nutritional principles can be distinguished from the above:

  • small meals, six times a day;
  • minimum liquid consumption - two liters;
  • do not starve or overeat;
  • dinner should be light, it is worth limiting yourself to a glass of fermented milk product or 150 grams of cottage cheese;
  • fruits should be included in breakfast;
  • use only seasonal products in the preparation of vegetable dishes;
  • choose products according to GI.

All diabetic foods should have a low glycemic index. Endocrinologists follow this indicator when formulating diet therapy.

In addition to observing the principles of nutrition, one should not forget about the permissible heat treatment, which is aimed at ensuring that there is no bad cholesterol in the dishes.

Cooking is allowed in the following ways:

  1. boil;
  2. for a couple;
  3. in a microwave oven;
  4. bake in the oven;
  5. multivark;
  6. stew using a small amount of vegetable oil.

It is necessary to separately study the concept of GI and independently learn how to create a diet based on personal taste preferences.

After all, the choice of products for diabetics is quite wide and allows you to prepare many healthy dishes.

Products in GI diet therapy

food for type 2 diabetes

The glycemic index is an indicator that reflects the effect of a certain food on the rise in blood sugar after eating it. Products with a low GI contain difficult-to-digest carbohydrates, which are not only necessary for the patient, but also provide a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Diabetics should choose from those food categories that have a low GI. Food with an average index can be included in the diet only occasionally, no more than twice a week. Products with a high GI are able to raise the glucose level up to 4 mmol/l in a fairly short period of time.

The glycemic index of foods is divided into three categories. But in addition to this value, you should pay attention to the calorie content of food. So, some foods have zero value, but at the same time have bad cholesterol and high calorie content.

Bright will take fats that do not contain carbohydrates and have 0 units, but this is categorically contraindicated for diabetics. GI Department:

  • 0 - 50 units - low;
  • 50 - 69 units - medium;
  • above 70 units - high.

A special table of products with indexes has been created to make it easier for the patient to create a menu for himself. Some products after heat treatment can significantly increase the index - these are beets and carrots. Raw they are allowed, but cooked under the ban.

The therapeutic diet allows you to prepare dishes from the following vegetables:

  1. onion;
  2. all varieties of cabbage - white and red, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli;
  3. garlic;
  4. eggplant;
  5. tomato;
  6. string beans and asparagus;
  7. lenses;
  8. peas;
  9. squash;
  10. cucumbers.
greens and vegetables for type 2 diabetes

Many people are used to having potatoes on the table. But with a "sweet" disease, it is better to refuse it because of the high GI. In very rare cases, when it is still decided to use the tubers, they should be soaked in water overnight. Thus, you can get rid of starch and slightly reduce the index.

Vegetables are a source of vitamins, trace elements and fiber for a diabetic. They prepare not only fresh salads, but also side dishes, as well as complex dishes. It is allowed to diversify the taste characteristics with greens - spinach, lettuce, oregano, basil, dill and parsley.

Fruits are an equally important part of the diet. The allowed daily rate should not exceed 150 - 200 grams. Juice cannot be squeezed out of fruits, even with a low index. With this treatment, they lose fiber and glucose quickly enters the bloodstream.

Following the diet, the following fruits and berries are allowed:

  • cherry;
  • apricot;
  • pear;
  • nectarine;
  • persimmon;
  • black and red currants;
  • all varieties of citrus fruits - orange, lemon, grapefruit, tangerine, pomelo and lime;
  • gooseberries;
  • sweet cherry;
  • a peach.

Dried fruits contain many valuable substances, no more than 50 grams per day is allowed. Dried fruits can be added to cereals, thus creating a complete meal. Dried fruits with low GI - dried apricots, prunes and figs.

Meat, offal, fish and seafood are also part of the daily menu. At the same time, fish should be included in the weekly diet at least three times. Choose lean meat and fish. The skin and fat remains are removed from them, which do not contain vitamins, but contain only bad cholesterol.

Endocrinologists recommend the following products:

  1. chicken;
  2. rabbit meat;
  3. Turkey;
  4. beef;
  5. quail;
  6. chicken liver;
  7. beef liver;
  8. beef tongue;
  9. beef lungs.

There is no limit to the choice of seafood. From fish you can choose pollack, hake, pike or perch.

Grains are a source of energy, so they provide a feeling of satiety for a long time. Some have a high GI, especially white rice. Its alternative will be brown (brown) rice, which has a GI of 50 units. Cooking takes a little longer - about 45 minutes.

Barley is considered the most valuable cereal, its GI is only 22 units. Other types of cereals are also allowed:

  • barley groats;
  • buckwheat;
  • oat flakes;
  • wheat porridge.

By the way, the thicker the porridge, the lower its index.

There are few restrictions on milk and sour milk products. All of them are based on the fat content of the products. Therefore, it would be rational to give up sour cream, margarine and butter.

Medical treatment

tablets for the treatment of type 2 diabetes

If it is not possible to achieve the desired results with the help of diet therapy, the doctor is forced to prescribe hypoglycemic drugs. Their choice in the pharmaceutical market is wide.

Self-medication is prohibited, as all pills have their side effects. Only an endocrinologist can choose the right pills for the patient, taking into account the characteristics of his body and the course of the disease.

The purpose of hypoglycemic drugs is to stimulate the cells of the pancreas to increase the production of the hormone insulin so that it is in the blood in the required amount.

If in this case it is not possible to normalize the blood glucose level, then the therapy includes several groups of hypoglycemic tablets.

Additional measures

exercise for type 2 diabetes

In the presence of type 2 diabetes, treatment should include possible physical activity. It serves as an excellent compensation for high sugar levels.

That is, when playing sports in the body, all metabolic processes are accelerated, and glucose is absorbed faster.

At least half an hour a day should be devoted to this lesson. If you cannot exercise every day, then you should walk in the fresh air for at least forty minutes.

For type 2 diabetics, you can choose the following types of physical activity:

  • yoga;
  • Caning;
  • sport walks;
  • running;
  • cycling;
  • swimming.

If a person wants to learn at home, then there are many video courses on the Internet dedicated specifically to diabetics.

If the training takes place outside the house and there is a feeling of hunger after it, then it is allowed to prepare an additional meal - a snack. An ideal option would be 50 grams of nuts, which contain nutritious proteins that have a low GI and are great at fighting appetite. Just do not exceed the permissible daily dose, because such a product has a calorie content.

From all of the above, it should be concluded that the manifestation of diabetes can be reduced using only two rules: following the principles of diabetes diet therapy and exercising regularly.